MS Healthcare Leadership Management Testimonials

Master’s in Healthcare Leadership and Management students talk about their invaluable academic experiences at the UT Dallas Jindal School of Management, providing advice, perspective, and vision.

Kennedy Shaffer, MS’20

Kennedy Shaffer, MS’20

Patient Coordinator, Identity Eyecare

Upon graduation, I approached one of my professors with my dilemma, and he introduced me to ‘the business of healthcare.’ I have been hooked ever since!

Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD in Organizations, Strategy and International Management?

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Build your understanding of business fundamentals and learn skills in innovation, management and international business.

BS in Business Administration BS in Global Business BS in Healthcare Management BS in Human Resource Management

Master’s Degree Programs

Find the Organizations, Strategy, and International Management graduate degree that matches your interests.

MS in Healthcare Leadership and Management MS in Innovation and Entrepreneurship MS in International Management

PhD International Management Studies

Develop strong research skills that are especially relevant for students interested in an academic career. Each year the OSIM area sponsors a seminar series to bring researchers from other universities to UT Dallas.

PhD in International Management