Managing Director, Central Zone Surety Practice Leadermarsh USA
Phil Neighorn has more than 16 years of experience as an insurance professional and balances his time between working for Marsh USA, a global leader in insurance broking and risk management, and mentoring Jindal School students. He is committed to helping both audiences develop business strategies to successfully reach goals. Whether he is assisting an international client or providing advice to a promising student, he regularly shares his extensive industry knowledge. He also routinely uses the skills he developed while earning his undergraduate degree and an MBA from the Jindal School.
Tell us the highlights of your professional career. What are your proudest achievements?
I have been fortunate to work for two outstanding companies during my 16 year career. I have had the honor of working with some of the best and brightest people in my industry, some of whom I consider mentors and who significantly influenced my career. The first eight years of my career, I worked for Safeco Insurance Company and was initially hired as an underwriter trainee after obtaining an undergraduate degree from UT Dallas. During my time at Safeco, I was promoted from underwriter, to senior underwriter, and as I was completing my MBA from the Jindal School, I was promoted to territory manager. In 2005, I made the difficult decision to leave Safeco and joined Marsh USA, the world’s leading insurance broker and risk adviser. This move allowed me to see a different side of the industry, be involved in international opportunities and expand my knowledge and skill set. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Marsh and have been able to contribute to the firm in many ways, even beyond my core area of responsibility. I have also been assigned increased geographic responsibilities and now manage 40 colleagues and 17 offices. My proudest achievements come from assisting our clients in arranging for surety bonds, which are often a critical component. My primary areas of responsibility are ensuring our clients are able to pursue their business plans, develop strategies to best utilize surety bonds and help negotiate the very best terms and conditions on their behalf. I get a great deal of satisfaction knowing that we have delivered on these fronts. I am also proud that I was recently named managing director of our firm, which is a reflection of our senior management’s recognition of my past accomplishments and their faith in my continued contribution to our firm’s success.
What brought you to UT Dallas?
I received an undergraduate degree from the Jindal School (BA in economics and finance) and was thoroughly impressed with the quality of the faculty and of my fellow students. When I decided to pursue my MBA, it was an easy choice to return to UT Dallas. The Jindal School’s already stellar reputation and the overall quality of the University had only grown since I had earned my undergraduate degree. The central location of campus and the course availability were also strong factors, as I earned my MBA at night while starting my career. The school represented a tremendous value.
What is your favorite UT Dallas memory?
I have many great memories from my time at UT Dallas, both as an undergraduate and graduate student, but my recent involvement in the Jindal School’s mentoring program outranks them all. I was paired with an extremely bright and driven honors student. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing my insights and experience with my mentee as she explored all available career opportunities. Ultimately, my mentee chose to pursue a career in my profession. I feel a great deal of pride in knowing that I played a role in attracting a bright young person to our industry and knowing that I helped her identify a career opportunity that she might not otherwise have known existed.
Who was your favorite professor and/or what was your favorite class and why?
While I had many outstanding professors at the Jindal School, I most enjoyed my courses with Dr. Suresh Radhakrishnan, Ashbel Smith Professor of Accounting. I enjoyed Professor Radhakrishnan’s teaching style, especially his ability to present the course material. I learned a lot from the projects and presentations assigned in his courses. My two favorite courses were “Dimensions of Merger and Acquisitions” and “Valuation – High Tech Companies,” both taught by Professor Radhakrishnan. I took these courses while in the formative stage of my career as an underwriter, and the information on financial analysis was extremely timely and relevant.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
My wife and I like to travel and enjoy both weekend trips and longer trips abroad. We spent nearly two weeks in Zambia, and it was something we’ll never forget! I also enjoy running, cycling, and fantasy football — I have run a fantasy football league for 18 years.
What advice do you have for current students hoping to succeed in the business world?
I have a few words of advice:Don’t convey a sense of entitlement. Focus on earning the trust and confidence of your colleagues and leaders of your company, and opportunities and advancement will come your way.Seek out opportunities to contribute in various ways.Email is an effective tool, but don’t forget the importance of speaking with people and developing relationships.Seek out mentors and find and incorporate the best qualities of those whom you respect and admire.
What makes an effective leader?
Effective leaders:
- Lead by example
- Are consistent, yet flexible
- Foster an environment of open communication and teamwork
- Accept responsibility when issues arise
- Direct credit to those who deserve it when something goes well
- Seek input from colleagues and team members
- Mentor others and invest in their development