Cristie Feldman Schlosser, ASID, RID, NKBA, NCIDQ , BS’84

Cristie Feldman Schlosser, ASID, RID, NKBA, NCIDQ , BS’84
Schlosser, at right, enjoys traveling with her family.

Principal Interior Designer; Schlosser Design Group, LLC

Schlosser completed her BS/Business Administration degree with two concentrations – in marketing and finance. The principles of those disciplines still serve her well today as she handles business development, interior design and construction management at her Dallas-based company. Prior to opening her own business in the 1990s, Schlosser worked in the apparel industry. “Interior design is very intuitive for me. It is about function and flow first, and style follows,” she says.

How has your degree impacted your career?

My degree allows me to run my business professionally, understand marketing and financial aspects, engage in customer service and sell professional services with contract agreements.

What do you enjoy about your current position/profession?

I enjoy the multidisciplinary day-to-day activities.

How do you see your profession changing in the next five or 10 years?

I believe we will be engaging in more social media and e-commerce.

What unexpected experience or event has shaped and/or influenced your current professional life?

My management and travel experience from the apparel industry to tour manufacturing plants has provided intricate knowledge regarding “how it all works” and to understand processes which allow me to explain value to my clients.

What is a professional highlight of your career, either where you currently work or in the past?

The highlight of my current career has been recognition by my peers as an award-winning interior designer. In 2017, I earned two 1st place Design Ovation awards, one 1st place Legacy of Design award, and one 2nd place Design Ovation award. I have two 1st place Design Ovation awards and one 1st place Papercity award from 2016. From 2015 to 2017, I received Best of D Home award for each of those three years. I have multiple awards from earlier in my interior design career as well.

What characteristics do you look for when hiring people into your workplace?

Dependability, professionalism, business acumen.

Why did you come to UT Dallas?

I transferred from The University of Texas at Austin because the class sizes and the campus life were too large for me. I chose to work full-time and go to school full-time and UT Dallas had the perfect program to fit my need.

What is your favorite UT Dallas memory?

My study sessions with my classmates and availability of the professional professors who were working in their areas of expertise.

Has something about your UT Dallas education surprised you since graduating?

I have been better prepared for running my design firm than many of my peers.

What advice do you have for college students hoping to succeed professionally?

Students should take advantage of internships, work on research projects and network at organizations that support their field of interest.

What makes an effective leader?

Clear direct communication, goal-setting along with reviews, and being accessible to the team.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Yoga, cooking with family, traveling with family, entertaining, and developing my teen and young adult children.

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Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD in Organizations, Strategy and International Management?

Bachelor’s Degree Program

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Master’s Degree Programs

Find the Organizations, Strategy, and International Management graduate degree that matches your interests.

MS in Healthcare Leadership and Management MS in Innovation and Entrepreneurship MS in International Management

PhD International Management Studies

Develop strong research skills that are especially relevant for students interested in an academic career. Each year the OSIM area sponsors a seminar series to bring researchers from other universities to UT Dallas.

PhD in International Management